An old grade school chum of mine has two doctors, (I now call them doctahs, after the inimitable Doctah F’ouchie ) a primarily-care-less, and a psy-drug-you-ist, and both asserted that if he didn’t take the COVID injections he faced a high probability of death.
My friend told Dr. Careless that “many people” had died from the COVID injections.
Doctah: “I don’t believe anyone has died from the vaccine.”
Replied my friend: “I would rather concentrate on building up my immune system.”
Doctah (speaking as if to a child): “You can’t build up your immune system.”
I know several people who had recovered from COVID infection only to be told by their doctahs that they should take the so-called vaccines anyway, and they did. Many millions keep faith in their very own doctah, because they do not, will not, cannot conceive that the advice they are getting is based on doctored results from the flimflam “medical” team, the unfathomable inhuman amazing Technicolor dream manipulators comprised of pharma big and small, government regulators, agencies, NGO’s and medical schools that continue to shape our lives, all lives, worldwide.
But, as we all know, vaccines are simply pharmaceutical products from which the usual product liability has been removed, as Aaron Siri deftly explains. And thus, once vaccine legal immunity was granted by congress, a pattern of obscene profiteering commenced and the number of required vaccines for children rose steadily, causing panoply of harms, injury and death.
However, let’s put the subject of vaccines aside for now. Many of my friends take other prescription drugs, statins being a prime example, because their doctahs insisted without these life-sustaining concoctions, they might die. Without a full military assault on cholesterol anyone with even slightly elevated levels faces a high probability of …you guessed it.
I was told as much by my doctah (at the time) about five years ago. My “bad” cholesterol was slightly elevated. I refused to take the -S- bait. I took B vitamins and my score went down. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research knows that a high homocysteine level in the blood is a much bigger threat to the health of an individual than high cholesterol. And, by the way, cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of one’s neurotransmitters. Yet, I have never been told anything about homocysteine by any doctah I have ever seen, and I have seen many over the years.
After having read about homocysteine I asked my current doctah about it. “homocysteine?” he chuckled, “I haven’t heard anything about that in years!”
The English cardiologist Aseem Malhotra has explained how pharmaceutical companies have cooked the numbers on the efficacy of statins. He published a book, A Statin Free Life. As long ago as 1999, Dr. Kilmer S. McCully in his bestselling book, The Heart Revolution, warned against taking such drugs, which he said might weaken the heart. And a new study raises the possibility that long-term use intensifies coronary artery disease (Never mind that even the CDC website contains a list of possible side effects from these drugs, the CDC says take them nonetheless).
An old high school friend told me at dinner one night that he was taking statins. I referred him to McCully and Malhotra and suggested he do some research on the possible dangers. He became visibly upset, raised his voice, and commenced an enraged rant which went something like this:
“I’ve been taking statins for 30 years! Billions of people all over the world take these drugs! Both my parents died of heart ailments!” and so on.
And we all know how people were tripping over each other to take in the untested genetic “therapy” for COVID 19. I swear, most of the people I know would jump off a cliff if their prescriber-in-chief told them it was the right thing to do.
Now don’t get me wrong I am no Christian Scientist, nor am I saying that the medical system is completely worthless and that all pharmaceuticals are always to be avoided, no, I am saying nothing of the kind. If I think I am having a heart attack or that I have cancer, or I am badly burned I will go to a hospital (or a doctor’s office) despite the fact that said place might kill me or give me an HAI (healthcare-associated infection). Hospitals can sometimes prove skilled at diagnosing illness; treatment is, perhaps, another matter.
What I am saying is the overreliance on and drop-of-a-hat prescribing of many pharmaceuticals with “side effects” that aren’t really on the side, but a fulsome reality baked into the main dish, that, I am saying is bad and can lead to many problems, even disability, and, yes… death.
A passage in the book, Drugs for Life by Joseph Dumit describes the logic (or lack thereof) that animates forever prescriptions (my words not the author’s):
If your cholesterol is high, you must get on a statin. If subsequently it falls, then the statin is working, and you should stay on it. If your cholesterol doesn’t fall then you should increase the dosage or change statins. Save for intolerable side effects no part of the algorithm enables you to get off the statins…variability, one’s score going up or down over time, will appear only as pathological, not natural, in this model….”
I should add that the doctahs love pharmaceutical companies so (isn’t that sweet?), they recommend non-prescription products found on drugstore shelves (manufactured by their favorite cartel) when natural remedies often work better and are healthier, or at least not unhealthy. For example, if you complain of constipation GI docs will invariably refer you to PEG (Miralax or the like), when flax seed or fruit or some other combo will help you out and provide nutrition as well. Have dry eye? Your eye doctah will suggest an eye drop “without preservatives,” another form of PEG. Dollars to donuts, I’ll bet that PEG isn’t good for you.
Are the doctahs all mobbed up with pharma stock? Are they simply bribed by the ubiquitous drug reps? Do they yearn for recognition from their kingpin pharma-peddling overlords? Are they true believers brainwashed since medical school to think that Pharma, Inc. = science & health? You tell me.