Of course it is a definite “good” for the death merchants AKA “defense” contractors, the power hungry politicians, and the globalists who want to reduce, burden, distract, and destroy the human population, making room for AI, humans as servants, slaves, or idle players of video games, owning nothing and dependent on the state for crusts of bug protein or whatever.
Can the establishment of a Museum of Working People (for the amusement of the puppet masters) be far behind?
Enter UK Defense minister, Grant Shapps: "In five years' time, we could be looking at multiple theatres including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Ask yourself ... is it more likely that that number grows or reduces? I suspect we all know the answer. It's likely to grow…So 2024 must mark an inflection point….We've made the critical decision to set out our aspiration to reach 2.5% of GDP on defence and as we stabilise and grow this economy, we'll continue to strive to reach that as soon as possible…But now is the time for all allied and democratic nations across the world to do the same thing and ensure their defence spending is growing too…”
Will those who willingly took the needle to “save humanity,” support this new drive to destroy it?