A close family friend died at a Assisted Living/Nursing Home on October 18th the day all residents were scheduled for yet another COVID injection. My good friend was the only person out of more than a hundred residents (not including staff at the facility) who never complied with the call for COVID vaccination. He lived to nearly 98, and never took a flu jab, either.
The illustrator unwittingly expresses the notion that this blesséd needle will rocket the residents into heaven, how comforting for elderly people who can only dream of such mobility! They own nothing, not even their lives, and they will be so very happy! The “bed bound residents” are getting it last, the better not to see them getting it, my dear.
Have any of these people been given a path to informed consent? Of course not.
This question is especially germane to a place founded in the 1930’s as a refuge for holocaust survivors. I think there are still a few survivors living there today.
The more we discover about effects of the genetic-injection-sold-as-vaccine, the more we recoil from the unimaginable, unspeakable, as I lapse into newspeak…it’s triple plus ungood. And here is yet another mindf***k:
So, will the Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated distinction dissolve into a reality in which the “vaccinated” spread their spikes involuntarily to the rest of us and the perpetrators of the killing watch with satisfaction like Athena in the Iliad prompting Pandarus to wound Menelaus, breaking the truce between the Greeks and the Trojans? The perpetrators on their very own Olympus imagine themselves divine, but they are mere mortals.
I am reminded of those photographs of Hitler and Goering celebrating the initial success of Operation Barbarossa, their surprise air and land attack of June 22, 1941 on the Soviet union. It went well for months, until the weather changed, and the Soviet army and air force rebounded.
Below you can hear the music of mRNA, a band that’s getting constant airplay and hogging all the gigs. I made no special effort to collect these videos. Nearly every time I take a short drive or walk somewhere I see at least one ambulance speeding on its way or parked, lights flashing. From my house I hear sirens night and day. I offer you the ambulance as emblem, the perfect 15-minute solution where a brief ride will bring you hope and despair in a single breath, as you fight to regain your health even as they bathe you in pharmaceuticals, florescent lights, constant injections, and unearthly sounds that would cause a grown man to scream and cry out if only he had the strength, the stamina.
############################################################################My friend spent his penultimate days (before hospice care) at Weiss Hospital where the chief of the ICU, as well as the resident physician in charge, wanted to put him in an MRI machine to scan his brain. They wanted to take a 97-year-old man who was dying and subject him to the torture of an MRI machine. We all know what stuff these hospitals are made on, because of the murder and isolation they practiced against the sick and elderly during the COVID crisis, so this should not surprise. Fortunately, he has a son with Power of Attorney who nipped the MRI plan in its evil bud.
Weiss has gone through various ownership changes in recent years. The area around it reflects in microcosm the C40/Smart/15-minute agenda and it ain’t pretty. The huge apartment building under construction in the former parking lot for employees and family members of patients is a Chicago-style eyesore.
A block away from the hospital-apartment complex is an expanding tent city in Lincoln Park just south of Wilson Avenue. The C4O city turns out to be just another embodiment of a confining class system with employees living in “luxury” boxes in full view of the destitute.
A rumor abounds that the tent cities are expanding because of the migrants, but I haven’t seen evidence or read confirmation of that. The tents are occupied by homeless people, some of whom were evicted from sidewalks that run under Lake Shore Drive bridges. Their numbers are clearly growing.
In addition to homeless people camped out beside supermarkets and other retail stores asking for help, we now have Venezuelan migrants doing the same, holding signs that say things like, “please help me buy food for my baby.” I do not know if they are Venezuelan migrants, but they claim to be, so I am takng them at their word.
Meanwhile, destruction of vintage buildings and retail stores continues apace, with condominium and apartment buildings replacing them.
Everywhere, on the northside and elsewhere, the new luxury living boxes are rising up!
And all that much-desired “density” championed by C40 aldermen like Matt Martin and, more broadly, the City of Chicago, is enhanced by the introduction of bicycle lanes that, by dint of sudden practice, are now also scooter lanes.
Bicycle and scooter pilots are now an approved class of scofflaws who rarely obey traffic signs unless they must avoid death to do it. They are prefered and offered special rights because they are C40, Smart City/15-minute darlings, once more unto the breach dear friends, to fight the climate spoiling foe!
The utility of retail stores is SO yesterday. This block of stores (below) held a coffee shop, a theater that staged contemporary plays from the UK, a convenience store and a couple of other stores.
And here below, in a bow to her constituents for whom she cares so much, her office of decades on Norh Broadway has been abandoned, the better to ignore you, my dear. “Please visit my office in Evanston or my website. Love, Rep. Jan Shakowsky” (for whom, by the way, I voted many times):
One must marvel at the uglification of a once great city. Below, you see where the Department of Streets and Sanitation cut an ugly line down the center of an alley to promote the flow of rain and snow.
Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine and 5G, (soon to give way to 6G) our new friends in this grave new world the powers that be are digging. Jump in and enjoy! You will own nothing and we will own you!
When the University of Chicago imposed jab mandates, that was a very, very, very dark day.
Enjoyed the tour, similarities in my mid west city. Sad about the shot to heaven campaign but I guess they consider themselves (globalists) humanitarians...psychopaths!