Our society is imploding. The evidence is abundant. Food products have been shrinking the size of their packaging and the volume of their contents for years. While prices continue to rise. Quality of workmanship is almost nonexistent. It’s hard to find qualified people to do anything anymore. No one seems to care about anything except self. Our education system is garbage. Social media encourages self indulgence. We really need to do whatever we can to get back to an older way of life. Growing and making our own food, learning basic life skills so that we can repair things on our own and not be dependent on someone who may or may not show up that day. Maybe forming a cooperative in your neighborhood of skilled people, like-minded people, who would be willing to use a system of barter. Homeschooling your kids. The powers that ought not be are reveling in the demise of our society right now.

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It’s over. We “need to get back to”, but in no position to do so. We are paused at the top of the big hill on the roller coaster…

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I was just thinking that same thing about the rollercoaster.

Tormented minds think alike.

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"They" are preparing to lock us down world wide & start carting us off to these centers for extermination they are everywhere, usa canada uk australia Maui they've been preparing to eliminate us & told us so on the Georgia Guide Stones they just destroyed s they have already accomplished UN AGENDA 21 with their DePopClotShot which just needs to do its work now, next they just out & out eliminate us it appears with GAS.

Check it out & you be the judge. Read UN AGENDA 2030 where in 6.5 years their goal is to have no Human 1.0s running around only TransHumans which are officially not human any longer as they are genetically modified organisms with the technical & legal term of Homo Borg Genisis & are hooked up to the cloud thorugh the nano tech self assembling platforms that are injectedinto them. Strange world indeed. Time to get right with our Maker Jerry.


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Yes, I know. Been down all those rabbit holes. The only other play I see them doing is to bring Trump back in, go full fascist state (pendulum swing to the right), and you still end up with a totalitarian state. And they could have something even more surprising than that; they’ve got all their bases covered. It certainly appears as you’ve stated, but it’s almost too obvious, so I am keeping light on my feet with regards to saying how it will all down.

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I just gave this a listen really worth the time. All the very best to you & yours. Eyes open.....hearts open too. https://www.bitchute.com/video/1P5KwZWqGuLJ/

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Oh yes. I’m fully aware of the various IN agendas and the plan the elites have for the world. But we cannot simply roll over and let it happen

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Any group that comes up with the term ‘Homo Borg’

needs to be laughed at, not feared 😄

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I am stealing the term.

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Its actually Homo Borg Genisis. These Davos psychopaths are the ONLY problem in this world. Why is the 99 percent listening to what they are demanding of us in the first place is the question. Own Nothing be happy? While they jet set around the world with a carbon footprint of the Normy Serf Prisoner we the people for a full year in one week OWNING private properties, islands, yachts, jets, limos, Organic best quality everything while demanding we eat bugs & drink recycled pee & poo & liquified dead bodies, Gates Frankenfood, GMOs, Glyphosates, CRICKETS, larva, grasshoppers, mealworms, earthworm burgers. Come on people. What are we critically thinking purebloods going to do with the already brain dead, heart space vacant hive minded TransHuman 2.0 who already took the DePopClot Shot? What to do, what to do? Best of luck my friend wading through this mess these 'global elite'. have us up to our ass in !

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I meant Genesis.

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And get some T-shirts printed 😃👍

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Yes, can't agree more about qualified people. We had an HVAC inspection done, and the guy didn't even bother to really spend any time under the house, meaning he missed a duct that had come completely disconnected and was laying on the ground, blowing cold air out under the house. This was despite us telling him the HVAC does not seem to be keeping up even though the unit was easily rated high enough to do so. The roof inspector missed a soft spot on the roof, which luckily, it rained two days later and left a puddle in the garage (so we caught the problem before making our decision not buy the house). Just ridiculous - and the banks require you to get these "inspections" done before they will give you a loan. Crumbling empire we live in...

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Your thoughts are fine, but if we had wanted an authentic life instead of a fabricated life, we would never have left the farm in the first place. But we did leave and it's never possible to return to the past.

Don't get me wrong. I'm headed to a very rural place to live these last days, but I know full well my move has been foreseen and there are plans to take care of homesteaders.

Jesus is the only escape.

God Bless.

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Broadly but not entirely true

We have recently had 2 sets of wooden stairs constructed, electrical work and some complex plumbing. All by local young people

All high quality work at reasonable price

Admittedly they were acquaintances of our sons but it shows that all is not lost yet

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The old needs to be regraded to the point that we either eagerly accept the new (world order) or at least are left with no other alternative.

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Next is your clothes. The fashion industry is going to be gone too. You won’t need much. Just a couple of Star-Trek-like reversible body suits that you can wear all year long. You can expect that industry to be taken over by high tech laboratories too as your wearables will be made with AI built in capabilities to help you survive in the new space/meta-verse age. On the bright side, I will not miss Hollywood. I hope they are the first to be gone.

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Nah... someone's got to produce the propaganda!

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I would say that the fashion industry died about 25 years (or more) ago, when young males started wearing the droopy, diaper-like pants (that could barely stand up), and thin t-shirts, when young women started wearing jeans with shredded holes in them, and everybody started wearing plastic, gaudy tennis shoes. All made from slave labor. If you want to see what clothes used to look like, in their finest beauty, see (one of my favorite films), "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day." That shows you just how far we've come from beauty to pure ugly. If you dress nicely today, you might as well put a target on your back.

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Today i saw a woman going to work wearing only a normal length white blouse. No pants or skirt. no idea if she was wearing anything beneath it. Agree everything is degenerating at rapid pace. This is state of US as result of an entire nation turning away from Gods laws. Our money is worthless and soon we might be hockeystick territory (hyperinflation). Only place we have hope is in Jesus.

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I agree. I've seen women dressed like that as well. We were at a very nice restaurant a few months ago, there was a woman, in quite a dressy dress, with a slit up the side of her dress ALL THE WAY UP TO HER WAIST. I don't recognize this world anymore.

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Sep 19, 2023
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Take a look at some of the clothing women wore in the 1950's:



As you shared; now; we have SLOPPINESS; Androgynous, distasteful; unrefined.

I remember as a child seeing my Mom dressing in the way the women are dressed in the link I shared; and I remember thinking about how BEAUTIFUL she looked!

EVERYTHING now is spiraling DOWNWARDS. I think of this Scripture in Proverbs 15:24--"The way of life winds upward for the wise, That he may turn away from hell below."

The WAY of LIFE winds UPWARDS for the WISE; that he may TURN AWAY FROM hell below.

We are turning TOWARDS hell and destruction now; casting ourselves headfirst; at breakneck speed; towards our own destruction. How sad it is; especially for elderly people like myself; to KNOW what life WAS like not THAT long ago; only to see it all unravel and to be completely opposite of what it once was. Sigh.

Your comment is an excellent one; describing so accurately the MINDSET that is so prevalent today. IF there IS yet a POSSIBILITY for us to regain the right path; it will be ONLY through serious repentance for our individual and collective sins; and by putting ALL of our trust now in Jesus Christ; for He and He ALONE is able...and WILLING....to save us from our sins. God help us to choose rightly.

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All the agendas are very anti-human … that’s what I see

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Very, very well said, Cat. Absolutely agree.

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Today I was thinking about how I do not listen to music anymore. Yeah the music/films can just be propaganda, but at times at least the music calmed me down.

Also if you got any old dvd movies etc.. that you like, stock up on dvd players as I bet in the future there will be no way to play you dvd's and you will just purchase the ability to watch a movie once.

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Good one, lots of imagination… for me, the scary part is the black box with a feminine name who hears your conversation and can almost nanny your four year old. A fridge that reminds you of ice cream and butter, and a winter jacket that tells you a forgotten $5 is in one of the pockets? Who knows. A friend sent me an article about Casa Verde, in San Diego, announcing their new rates, blah blah, but no parking available. Turns out builder too anxious to start the 15 minute city, so to attract renters, he bought spaces in a parking garage, two blocks away?! Picture those homecomings on a windy raining evening, two bags of groceries …

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@elvia.saravia, pity the people who wind up with the red Star Trek uniforms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpJusUyMdD4

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Thank you for this obituary for the U.S. Don't judge - I'm old and on limited income - so have made purchases from Amazon. I have Amazon Prime through my son which once guaranteed 1-2 day delivery. Of late though, I have been getting "We'll let you know if and when this will be shipped". Even messages giving me shipping dates "between 9/17 and 10/25". Of course, if you call you get to speak to someone trained to say "I'm sorry" for a very minimal wage compared to what Bezos pays himself. My sister recently told me about a company that actually has a human answer their phones, but I can't remember the name as I'm suffering from PTSD from my encounters with Comcast and Amazon robotized answering machines. I also have a TV set that has chastized me for cursing at it. And on every street corner there seems to be young people distributing free cellphones to low-income people. I have one which I mostly use to tell the time and return things to Amazon but I can't help but wonder why the generosity with cellphones when we have a gov't which doesn't care about our health or whether we can afford food or housing. I suspect we might be the first ones to be rounded up when the demons decide to stop cat and mousing us.

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Getting us addicted to cell phones seems to be an essential cog in the machinery of oppression.

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And they've been very successful. I've been almost knocked down more than once by a young person walking with a cellphone in his/her face - and I'm 4'10" and in my 80's.

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Amazon is AWESOME right now. You can buy almost ANYTHING and have it delivered to your front door in less than 24 hours.

That's now. What a great way to get us hooked on Amazon while our mom and pop stores (or even corporate markets, drug stores, hardware and furniture stores etc.) methodically go out of business. Soon, Amazon will be the ONLY place to carry what you want.

What do you think will happen next? Amazon will start charging for delivery, it will likely not come quickly, prices will sky-rocket and it will cut its product choices by 90%. But it will be your only choice by then.

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Amazon is a monster. I resisted buying from them for years, because the company all but destroyed my business. But sometimes one can't easily avoid it. The are very efficient, that's for sure.

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My husband and I stopped shopping at Walmart in 2006. And I stopped buying from Amazon because it is evil. I do buy from ebay sometimes because to they are individual sellers. And I try to buy used.

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Amazon works great, I agree, at least in my experience. I mostly order books that are hard to find and they usually arrive within 2-3 days. On the other hand, the few remaining bookstores in my area are very poorly stocked and seem to cater only to woke, ultraprogressive customers. However, I fear, as you do, that once Amazon becomes the only choice, service will start to deteriorate there too.

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Not my experience. Do you live in Seattle? I have the opposite experience as I said. I have a 3-month subscription to cat treats - and they're already 22 weeks late - in addition to the 3 months. Even my cat wants to boycott them now.

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Yes, there's a one-off here and there--not as perfect as they used to be. And they also try to worm out of the next delivery by asking you to agree to a later delivery, but it's your option.

But that's not my point. Amazon is beyond a luxury service overall. That I do not have to get in the car and drive somewhere hoping they have what I need, or go to multiple places, saves an enormous amount of time. And they have everything, even a replacement piece for my car that fell off.

My point is this: sucking you in, making you dependent and KILLING industry, then pulling the plug. The ruling class/shadow gov't often pulls the plug slowly to remain undetected.

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And of course all the stores where I used to be able to buy things - books, buttons, thread - well, they're no longer in business, having been destroyed by Amazon.

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yes, it's already happened.

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Ain't that the truth.

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Correction: That should read 2 (two) weeks late, not 22.

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Maybe Stephen King’s book Cell?

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The vast number of insults are all in the name of corporate profit and human enslavement. I began keeping a journal of the numbers of times I had to go to the phone or computer to unwind a transaction that didn't go well, and spent too much time so I had to abandon the project. You cannot call anyone any more as companies are firewalled by phone anserwers in other countries who promise a call back and you never get one. Then at the end of the transaction you get a request to take a survey. These disgusting companies keep their employees in a state of fear worrying about a bad review, and expect me to take my unpaid time to review their employees. I only take these so that in the end I can express my disgust with the whole process, then recommend the employee for a promotion and a raise in pay. The other day I spent the entire day commenting in reviews about the air filter I got that claimed one could turn off the radiation from the wi-fi but in fact it would not stap emitting radiation. After endless emails and phone calls i finally started blogging. When Consumer Reports published my review that these filters were not safe for pregnant women and children I got a call from the company offering me a replacement. It is no wonder why there is so much misplaced polarization and rage in the world when we are treated like this. And have you noticed that markets have 2 checkers and 6 self check out stations, often with lines to use them. The previous checkers are probably on the street under a tent by now. http://www.wirelesswatchblog.org

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Yes. The survey thing is sort of unspeakable. I mean I almost don't know how to express my feelings about that.

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Our Wal-mart has four full rows of self check out stations. I think it’s 10 or 12 altogether. There are two traditional check outs but no one is ever working them, but a handful of times (weekends) that I’ve ever seen. I got into a self-check that would not accept cash and was upset because cash is legal tender. Our library would not accept cash as tender during Covid - the vilification of cash as dirty and rife with disease.

Our 24 Hour Fitness closes between 8, 9 and 10 depending on the day of the week. TWENTY FOUR HOUR!!! It probably never needed to be open around the clock, but at least change the name. Last night, knowing I didn’t have enough time to complete a full workout, I asked the guy at the front if they’d be returning to 24 hours and he said, “He wished, but didn’t know and that it was because of Covid.” Nearly every restaurant closes at 8, and not wanting to walk in 10 mins. before closing, if you’re out late or traveling, it’s fast food as the only option.

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Yes, COVID is always the excuse and of course labor shortages due to Vax injuries and low wages adds to the problem.

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Catherine Austin Fitts believes they will use a virus and alleged (or real? who knows with these psychos) contaminated cash as a reason to roll out CBDCs...

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Start shopping at another store, not Walmart. I haven't been since 2006. They haven't missed my money, but it has helped other stores get by.

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It’s called the ‘time tax’. We do more and more of the corporations work on our own little free time. Air France last week made me print out my luggage tags, weigh it and put on the conveyor belt, leaving France. Unbelievable, I say!

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Yes, exactly. We work for them, but we are paying them.

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That last bit had me on pins and needles. I really enjoyed your story. Thanks. It's all true here too but I have been baking my own bread and growing and canning my own veggies so feeling that abundance from goD!

WHO's to say the last great depression/reset didn't kill off a huge number of us and then when that was not enough they engineered WWII? This culling has been going on for millennia. History is written by the Rockefellers and their masters.



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I thought I was the only person who noticed that we are paying more and more for less quality, smaller quantities and nonexistent service!! And all we do in response is open our wallets, pat ourselves on the back and call it progress lol... it’s quite sad and pathetic if you really think about it.

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Shampoo and Conditioner bottles have been shrinking for years... becoming so tall and skinny, that they topple over in the shower if you glance at them funny. Nothing functions well anymore. As a mom, I have to spend all my time making sure that my boy knows he's a boy and my girl knows she's a girl and neither of them feel guilty because the earth wont survive beyond another five years because human beings are not properly worshipping Mother Nature. I used to think that I'd be worrying over academics - ha! What a luxury that would be. Just trying to keep the floor from falling out from under their feet for now. Don't get me started about the "subscription model" businesses.... music, computer software, movies.... we own nothing. I just want to pop a cassette into my player and jam out, but I can never find the right charging cable or log in to upload the newest app version. ...and get off my lawn! Grrr.

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It's called THEFT... uh, I mean, INFLATION!!

Same price but less product!

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Inflation, i.e., the financial repression of professional economists, is how the Federal government plans to pay off its trillions of dollars of debt and keep the elite in control. That plan will not work considering how high inflation would have to be. Weimar led to Hitler, who did an economic reset along with other things to get Germany out of the depression. The same could happen here if the size of government is not massively reduced.

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Agreed Jim. Also, look at the history of both Venezuala and Argentina. How come no one learns from history? Sheesh.

Could it be that it's all about power, control, and most of all, GREED?

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This is what happens when a nation goes off any solid standard monetary value

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Thanks a lot Richard Nixon. In his remarks to the nation on August 15, 1971, he said removing the U.S. dollar from the Bretton Woods agreement (gold standard) was temporary. Sure it was! Another lying scumbag politician.

Btw, how do you know a politician is lying? His lips are moving.

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Instead of this obsessive "He who consumes the least is the most virtuous" how about "He who contributes his best" as the aim?

Government is firmly ensconced in enemy territory. It CANNOT provide liberty, only enslavement.

GOVERNMENT: It's the problem to the solution.

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I wish I had an answer.

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I live believing that everyone I meet is an opportunity to love them. We are being driven away from each other at a time when most we need each other.

The new lexicon our CIA betrayers have handed us makes union impossible. But if we use the lexicon of our ancestors, the lexicon of virtue, humility, and love of God, above all else, then the battle is won as it should be, and always has been, one person at a time.

At a time when everyone is jumping ship, there is need to direct the willing into helping the women, children, and elderly aboard.

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Thank you Jerry! Real reporting from the street! This is the best post I have read in a long while, forwarded by Mark Crispen Miller. I don’t get such acute observation & sentiment of the US crisis in the immediate environment in my social network (I left FB years ago) and not in my news sources. My Substack network of Free Thinkers are too much in their head to relate to what is taking place on the ground. Your images of people waiting in line for free food in Chicago seems prescient of what is coming. I was an international finance reporter so now I explain: I live simply among the indigenous people in Mexico where I grow vegetables & find my organic food sources all around me. Mexicans have perfected the art of local decentralized distribution of necessities — NO BAR CODES!!! Americans don’t realize these are the signs of digital centralization of food manufacturing and distribution. The Universal Product Code was launched the year after the 1973 Neoliberal experiment in Chile, known as the Chilean Miracle, instigated by the CIA coup.

Fifty years of Neoliberalism brought a range of exotic foods to the dinner table while distancing diners l from their local food sources… in the US most of those now disappeared. This means STAGFLATION (too much money chasing too few goods). This is worse than inflation, because even those with money will be trapped in a crisis of food scarcity. This is what is coming!!! I get the ominous feeling reading your post and the comments that your readers already know this,. Good writing and choice images draws out the instinctual unspoken. I am now a subscriber!

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Thanks so much for your kind words. I appreciate it very much! Also, interesting to hear about Mexico. I wish I could live there.

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Think I want to move to Mexico

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Yes, retired Americans are finding that Mexico offers a sustainable life. YouTube videos from various choice destinations along the coast posted after the COVID restrictions lifted, creating an influx. The Peso exchange went up, as did rents! The key to living in Mexico cheaply is speaking Spanish and avoiding expatriate hangouts. Making Mexican friends, you still can find cheap rents and indulge in la vida Mexicana!

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A feast of recognition! Thanks Jerry. Came to your substack via mark crispin miller. Our bread upped 1/3 in price and decreased 1/3 in weight! You had me hooting at the dropdead.com ❤️ Although of course i could just as easily cry about all this. Living in the netherlands. Same story here. Just today our king read the throne speech, which was rather “flat”. The royal family/house goes from 50 to 60 million. The other things going up are taxes and prices and, likely food banks and poverty. Never been happier to be on the wrong side of 70.

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Thanks for the report. Sorry to hear things are the same where you live.

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Jerry Newfield,

Great Piece ! Right On Man.

"To me, this brand was dead. I returned nine loaves to the store where I bought them.

* * * * * * * "


~ Jon Rappoport {Many Moons Ago}


([THEY] want US on our knees,

Begging for some cheese).

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Ah, yes. The Incredible Shrinking...

Eggs used to be Small, Medium and Large. Then they became Medium, Large, and Extra Large. Now they are Large, Extra Large and Jumbo.

Toilet paper squares used to measure 4.5" x 4.5". Sugar came in 5 lb sacks. The list is long. Many thanks for your observations!

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The most egregious is the sacred half gallon of ice cream was sacrificed on inflation's altar.

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Totally agree about all the stuff except maybe the eggs. We raise poultry and there are mandated weights (yes, eggs are graded by weight) for each size of egg, so medium eggs can't really be reclassified as large ones. One dozen large eggs has to weigh 24 ounces, a dozen jumbos must be 30 ounces. As far as I know those ratings haven't changed, but that doesn't mean they can't jack up the prices, of course.

The big box farm stores (Tractor Supply, etc.) sell poultry feed in 40 pound sacks now; our tiny local feed store still sells locally grown poultry feed in standard 50 pound sacks for almost the same price. Maybe the chain stores believe that customers won't notice that missing ten pounds?

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And military jets without functional trackers.

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Yes, what's up with that?

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IMHO it's far more important to ask, "WHERE IS IT ALL GOING?" Because all the good stuff isn't simply vanishing. It's going SOMEWHERE. Just not to US.

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